domingo, junio 03, 2007

Putin Amenaza Con Orientar Misiles Nucleares a Paises Europeos....

The Globe and Mail

Globe and Mail
Doug Saunders
June 2, 2007 at 2:32 PM EDT

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to target Europe with missiles, including potentially nuclear weapons, in a dramatic escalation of his Cold War-style showdown with the United States.

Mr. Putin, in an interview at his summer residence outside Moscow, said he considers U.S. plans to build an eastern European anti-missile site to shoot down Iranian missiles a provocation aimed at Russia.

He repeatedly described the anti-missile system as a part of the American "strategic nuclear potential," whose existence he said requires Russia to retaliate to maintain the global "strategic balance."

Asked what he might do to retaliate, he said he would return Russia to the Cold War status where missiles were aimed at European targets.

Comentario de Bush sobre Putin en su visita a la casa blanca.
PRESIDENT BUSH: I will answer the question. I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue.

I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country. And I appreciated so very much the frank dialogue.

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