sábado, octubre 21, 2006

"Bush Cambia Tactica En Irak ... Otra Vez"

Federico Arreola del Periodico Milenio le Dan La Bota

Noticia: El interés político y financiero es mas importante que la ética profesional.
parte 1

parte 2

parte 3

(Video) Soldados Chinos Asesinan A Tibetanos

Tibetanos que caminan rumbo a ver al Dahlai Lama son asesinados por soldados chinos.

Blue Suede Shoes por Elvis Presley

viernes, octubre 20, 2006

Bush Vs Saddam

Bush no es mata gatitos.

Real Time with Bill Maher.

Mexico Hoy. Traicion Al futuro de Mexico.

Los Ultraricos Tienen El Control Mediático En EEUU.

Las readiofusoras y algunas televisoras en los pequeños poblados en EEUU funcionan a control remoto desde las grandes metropolis, por lo que en casos de emergencia local es imposible dar a conocer a la comunidad alertas de manera oportuna.

Guatemaltecos Amenazados De Ser Deportados De EEUU.

A nuestros compatriotas guatemaltecos se les terminan los permisos ofrecido por el gobierno de EEUU para ser recibidos como candidatos a asilo politico. Muchos de ellos residen en EEUU porque el gobierno ofrecio asilo en un momento de golpe de estado en 1986. Reconocera el gobierno de Bush su obligacion moral de ofrecerles la ciudadania a estos refugiados? Esperemos que asi sea.

Cientificos Crean Capa de Invisibilidad.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists are boldly going where only fiction has gone before - to develop a Cloak of Invisibility. It isn't quite ready to hide a Romulan space ship from Capt. James T. Kirk or to disguise Harry Potter, but it is a significant start and could show the way to more sophisticated designs.
It's like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky.

"We have built an artificial mirage that can hide something from would-be observers in any direction," said cloak designer David Schurig, a research associate in Duke University's electrical and computer engineering department.
The first working cloak was in only two dimensions and did cast a small shadow, Smith said. The next step is to go for three dimensions and to eliminate any shadow.

In a very speculative application, he added, "one could imagine 'cloaking' acoustic waves, so as to shield a region from vibration or seismic activity."

Natalia M. Litchinitser, a researcher at the University of Michigan department of electrical engineering and computer science who was not part of the research team, said the ideas raised by the work "represent a first step toward the development of functional materials for a wide spectrum of civil and military applications."

Joining Schurig and Smith in the project were researchers at Imperial College in London and SensorMetrix, a materials and technology company in San Diego.

The research was supported by the Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program and the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Organizaciones campesinas piden que se revise el TLCAN

Una docena de organizaciones campesinas exigieron al presidente electo, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, impulsar la revisión del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos y Canadá (TLCAN), porque aseguran que al abrir la frontera a las importaciones de productos básicos, como el maíz, el agro mexicano sufrirá un retroceso que pondrá en peligro la seguridad alimentaria.

Las organizaciones campesinas señalaron que el nuevo gobierno deberá tomar acciones urgentes para tratar de renegociar el capítulo agropecuario del TLCAN, especialmente excluir el maíz y el frijol, alimentos fundamentales para la soberanía alimentaria nacional. Las dirigencias del Congreso Agrario Permanente, del Consejo Nacional Agropecuario, de la Confederación Nacional Campesina y de la Central Campesina Cardenista, entre otras, consideraron que el gobierno de Calderón Hinojosa debe tomar acciones prioritarias, principalmente por la magnitud de las diferencias que separan las realidades del agro de Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. Además propusieron un incremento de ciento por ciento en el presupuesto rural del próximo año para la recuperación de la soberanía alimentaria y la superación de la pobreza rural. La Jornada.

Presidentes Mexicanos Trabajan Para La CIA.

Porque es noticia algo que sucedio hace mas de 30 años? Porque No ha dejado de suceder. Se confirma que presidentes mexicanos han trabajado al servicio de EEUU, esto es traición a la Patria. Desde luego no son los únicos presidentes: Se sabe de la parcialidad de Salinas, Zedillo y Fox, especialmente con el tratado de libre comercio y TLC plus. Azteca, porque no actualizan la noticia para castigar a los traidores e impedir mas saqueo a la nacion?

Mexico Hoy. El Fantasma Del Gobernador de Oaxaca Sigue Rondando.

PRI y PAN deciden la direccion de Mexico.

jueves, octubre 19, 2006

Rumores de que El Presidente Bush Esta Bebiendo de Nuevo.

Ferguson presenta un video que prueba que Bush bebe de nuevo.

Cobert a Minutemen: Mejor Instalar Alabre Electrico y Collares En Cuello de Mexicanos.

De nuevo Steven Colbert es su genialidad como comediante, expone lo ridiculo de los argumentos ultraderechistas de los minutemen.

El Mundo Conspira En Contra De Los Republicanos En EEUU.

Iran, Irak y Corea del Norte, asi como las evidencias de corrupcion, crimen y pedofilia, se manifiestan para que los republicanos no ganen las elecciones este 7 de noviembre......si,pues.

Americanos, Tenga Miedo, Mucho Miedo. Voten Republicano.

Como no existen los argumentos necesarios para apoyar a la administracion Bush, se opta por infundir temor en la sociedad y hacerles pensar que es Bush y los republicanos, los mas capacitados para protejer al pais.

10 Razones (entre otras) Por Las Que El Congreso En EEUU Necesita Limpieza Profunda.

10 razones, de entre muchas tantas, por las que el congreso no ayuda al pais.

Razones Por Las Que No Se Invadio Irak. En Realidad Es Ayuda Humanitaria.

Como las posibles razones que justifican la invasion de Irak se han agotado, ahora la administracion Bush tratara de justificar su presencia ahi como de ayuda humanitaria.

Bush No Fue Enviado Por Dios

David Kuo autor del libro "Temting Faith", y fue el segunda al director del programa Iniciativas de Fe, creado por Bush. Kuo, explica como Bush utilizo a los evangelistas para llegar a la presidencia y rompio todas las promesas hechas.

: ) A Reir Con Los Simpsons!!!

No todo es politica en la vida. Hay que reir para ser felices.

Mexico Hoy. Ingobernabilidad en Oaxaca pero se mantendra el Gobierno.

PAN acepta que hay ingobernabilidad en el edo. de Oaxaca pero no se atreven a pedir la renuncia del gobernador. Fox se lava las manos.

En EEUU, El Grupo Republicano No Quiere El Voto Hispano.

Associated Press

SANTA ANA, Calif. - State investigators have linked a Republican campaign to letters sent to thousands of Orange County Hispanics warning them they could go to jail or be deported if they vote next month, a spokesman for the attorney general said.
"We have identified where we believe the mailing list was obtained," said Nathan Barankin, spokesman for Attorney General Bill Lockyer.
He declined to identify the specific campaign, citing the ongoing investigation. The Los Angeles Times and The Orange County Register both reported Thursday that the investigation appeared to be focused on the campaign of Tan D. Nguyen, a Republican who immigrated to the U.S. from Vietnam as a child and is now challenging Democratic U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez. Nguyen's Web site says he opposes illegal immigration.
The letter, written in Spanish, tells recipients: "You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time."
In fact, immigrants who are naturalized U.S. citizens can legally vote.
It is illegal to threaten or intimidate voters, though, and the complaints about the letters that began surfacing this week prompted state and federal investigations.
Barankin said investigators had been questioning people in Orange County.
The two newspapers reported state investigators had found the location where the letters were printed and mailed to an estimated 14,000 Democratic voters in central Orange County. The Los Angeles Times, citing an unnamed source, said authorities had interviewed Nguyen at his office.
Nguyen did not return messages left by The Associated Press or either newspaper.
Sanchez said in an interview Thursday on Univision that the sender should be punished for stating that immigrants can't vote. It would be unfortunate if the person responsible was another immigrant, she said.
"What a shame, really, that this is still happening in the United States today," Sanchez said.
Sanchez said she had never spoken to Nguyen because her campaign didn't see him as a threat to her re-election.
The owner of Huntington Beach-based Mailing Pros, Christopher West, told The Orange County Register that he was hired to do the mailings but didn't know what they said and didn't know any laws were being broken when the mailer was sent. He said he gave investigators the name of the person who hired him.
"I'm the one that processed it, and I don't read Spanish," West said. "Until the investigator read it to me, I didn't know the content."
Scott Baugh, chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, condemned the letter as "an obnoxious, grotesque piece of work."
"Regardless of who did it — Republican or Democrat — if it's a crime, then whoever did it should be prosecuted," Baugh said.
A group of six Vietnamese-American political candidates running for offices in Orange County issued a joint statement saying: "The content of this mailer is offensive to the immigrant voters, regardless of their ethnicity."
The note's letterhead resembles that of an anti-illegal immigration group, California Coalition for Immigration Reform, but group leader Barbara Coe said she told investigators for the attorney general's office Wednesday that her group didn't authorize the letter and she didn't know who sent it.
"The letterhead was altered and I've never head of any Sergio Ramirez," the name signed to the letter, Coe said.
Numerous political leaders including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger have denounced the letter and called for the investigations.

Imgaina un pais con politicos pobres...WAU!!!!

El programa de "Elecciones Limpias" en EEUU promete ser una ley que si se aprueba en todo el pais, abrira las puertas a que cualquier ciudadano puede ser propuesto como candidato a un cargo público sin tener que tener recursos millonarios.

Muestras de segregación a afroamericanos en EEUU.

En el pais de la libertad y la democracia aun hay muestras de segregacion y racismo. La madre de Chris Rock fue descriminada en un restaurant por ser una de dos afroamericanas deseando cenar "en un mar de anglosajones".

La Mujer Mas Bella Del Mundo!

La belleza es segun el cristal con el que se mira. En esta sociedad que busca la perfección a toda consta, somos capaces hasta de autoengañarnos para creer que podemos llegar a ser perfectos. Ni la cirujia plastica, ni el botox, ni la liposucción nos hacen sentir conformes. El respeto a ti mismo: a tu cuerpo, a tu salud mental y espiritual es lo único que logra hacernos sentir feliz.

miércoles, octubre 18, 2006

Olbermann: "Bush, un Mentiroso"

Olbermann: Bush a mentido para llegar a obtener un poder mas alla de sus poderes presidenciales.....

Razones por las que Dios no existe.....

La creación del Universo NO es aleatoria, tiene un orden, y fue dado en pequeños cambios lo cual dio origen a la complejidad que vemos HOY.
El Dr. Richard Dawkins autor del libro "the god dilusion" habla sobre el concepto de Dios y el porque todos somos ateos, en relación al Dios que NO aceptamos.

El Gobierno Te Puede Encarcelar Porque Te Sospecha.

En EEUU, la muerte de Habeas Corpus (El derecho de asignar cargos a un detenido y de un proceso legal)se ha consumado. La ley aprobada por Bush establece que a cualquier persona, hasta a un ciudadano estadounidense se le puede detener (encarcelar) indefinidamente sin levantarsele cargos en contra y si tener representacion o proceso legal. Las modificaciones al tratado de Genova y la eliminacion de Habeas Corpus quebrantan los derechos humanos de todos los ciudadanos.

The View entrevista a Bill O'reilly

Bush Firma Acuerdo Que Limita Uso Del Espacio.

President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit U.S. flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone "hostile to U.S. interests."
The document, the first full revision of overall space policy in 10 years, emphasizes security issues, encourages private enterprise in space, and characterizes the role of U.S. space diplomacy largely in terms of persuading other nations to support U.S. policy.
"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power," the policy asserts in its introduction.
National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones said in written comments that an update was needed to "reflect the fact that space has become an even more important component of U.S. economic, national and homeland security." The military has become increasingly dependent on satellite communication and navigation, as have providers of cellphones, personal navigation devices and even ATMs.
The administration said the policy revisions are not a prelude to introducing weapons systems into Earth orbit. "This policy is not about developing or deploying weapons in space. Period," said a senior administration official who was not authorized to speak on the record.
Nevertheless, Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Henry L. Stimson Center, a nonpartisan think tank that follows the space-weaponry issue, said the policy changes will reinforce international suspicions that the United States may seek to develop, test and deploy space weapons. The concerns are amplified, he said, by the administration's refusal to enter negotiations or even less formal discussions on the subject.
"The Clinton policy opened the door to developing space weapons, but that administration never did anything about it," Krepon said. "The Bush policy now goes further."
Theresa Hitchens, director of the nonpartisan Center for Defense Information in Washington, said that the new policy "kicks the door a little more open to a space-war fighting strategy" and has a "very unilateral tone to it."
Some of the potential space weapons most frequently discussed are lasers that can "blind" or shut down adversary satellites and small, maneuverable satellites that could ram another satellite.
Clinton's top goals were to "enhance knowledge of the Earth, the solar system and the universe through human and robotic exploration" and to "strengthen and maintain the national security of the United States."
The Clinton policy also said that the United States would develop and operate "space control capabilities to ensure freedom of action in space" only when such steps would be "consistent with treaty obligations." The Bush policy accepts current international agreements but states: "The United States will oppose the development of new legal regimes or other restrictions that seek to prohibit or limit U.S. access to or use of space."
A number of nations have pushed for talks to ban space weapons, and the United States has long been one of a handful of nations opposed to the idea. Although it had abstained in the past when proposals to ban space weapons came up in the United Nations, last October the United States voted for the first time against a call for negotiations -- the only "no" against 160 "yes" votes.
The U.S. position flows in part from the fact that so many key weapons systems are now dependent on information and communications from orbiting satellites, analysts said. The U.S. military has developed and deployed far more space-based technology than any other nation, giving it great strategic advantages. But with the superior technology has come a perceived vulnerability to attacks on essential satellites.
The new policy was applauded by defense analyst Baker Spring of the conservative Heritage Foundation. He said that he supported the policy's rejection of international agreements or treaties, as well as its emphasis on protecting military assets and placing missile defense components in space. He also said that he liked the policy's promotion of commercial enterprises in space and its apparent recognition that private satellites will need military protection as well.
The issue of possible hostilities in space became more real last month when National Reconnaissance Office Director Donald M. Kerr told reporters that a U.S. satellite had recently been "painted," or illuminated, by a laser in China. Gen. James E. Cartwright, the top U.S. military officer in charge of operations in space, told the newsletter Inside the Pentagon last week that it remained unclear whether China had tried to disrupt the satellite.

En 100 mil años habra clases humanas inferiores y superiores.

Un Experto en Evolución Humana ha sugerido que en 100 mil años habra dos subespecies hu

manas. La clase superior sera alta, delgada, atractiva, sana inteligente y creativa.

La predicción fue hecha por el Dr Oliver Curry quien se dedico a la investigación por dos meses sobre el ascenso y descenso de la especie humana en los proximos 100 milenios.

Menciono que en los proximos mil años la especie humana evolucionara a individuos de color cafe con una estatura de entre 6 a 7 pies.

martes, octubre 17, 2006

Actos Anti Inmigrantes

El Mayor Lou Barletta de un pequeño condado de Pensilvania da un pequeño discurso sobre la inmigración ilegal y como los ciudadanos de ahi vivia en temor constante y no podia ni salir a la calle a hacer sus compras, dice. Como si los inmigrantes fuesen terroristas....en fin. Hace incapie que no va ha esperar al gobierno federal a que resuelva el problema y que ellos han decidido multar a los negocios a quienes contraten a inmigrantes ilegales. El Mayor se enorgullese de tal iniciativa. Si bien el Mayor acierta en indicar que los inmigrantes ilegales, quebrantan leyes, NO hace el mismo incapie en que los negocios que les dan trabajo, no solo de su condado, sino de todo EEUU, tambien estan quebrantando las leyes.
Tanto Peca el que Mata La Vaca, Como el Que le Chupa la Pata!

Corea Del Norte Se Prepara Para Segunda Prueba Nuclear.

EEUU ha detectado movimiento sospechoso en Corea del Norte que indica la posibilidad de una segunda prueba nuclear.

Cuarta Ronda De Votacion para el Consejo de Seguridad en la ONU. Esta entre Guatemala y Venezuela.

El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, dijo hoy que enfrenta a EEUU y no a Guatemala en la búsqueda de una plaza en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, y ordenó "seguir en la pelea" al tiempo que agradeció a los países que mantienen su apoyo.

Mexico Hoy. El Fraude Presente En Elecciones Estatales de Mexico.

Los partidos del PRI y el PAN no han podido llegar al punto de negociacion en el cual los intereses de ellos esten plenamente satisfechos.

Hispanos Por La Causa

Escandalo Foley ha hecho que se olviden otros Escandalos.

Jon Stewart lanza como una ancianita de 95 años.

Tratando de actualizarse con los ultimos escandalos politicos.

Hispanos En California Amenazados Para Que NO Voten

Carta dirijida a hispanos inmigrantes los amenaza de encarcelarlos si deciden votar.

Note Warns Calif. Hispanics on Voting
The Associated Press
Oct 17, 2006

SANTA ANA, Calif. - The state attorney general's office is investigating a letter received by some Southern California Hispanics that says it is a crime for immigrants to vote and tells them they could be jailed or deported if they go to the polls next month.

"It's a very malicious and degrading letter. It's to pull Latinos down and make them afraid," said Benny Diaz, who is running for City Council in Garden Grove. He said his wife and five other people he knows had received the letter.

The letter, written in Spanish, tells recipients: "You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time."

The truth is that immigrants who become naturalized citizens can legally register to vote.

Nathan Barankin, a spokesman for state Attorney General Bill Lockyer, said the letter was "something we are investigating aggressively right now." He said the sender could be charged with a felony and receive up to three years in state prison.

Several of the people who received the letters appeared to be naturalized citizens, said John Trasvina, interim president and general counsel for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Noticia Traga Noticia

La estrategia para que la gente se olvide de un escandolo politico es crear otro escandalo politico mas jugoso, y asi hacer olvidar a la gente del problema importante. Steven Colbert nos lo explica.

lunes, octubre 16, 2006

Mexico Hoy. 16 de Octubre del 2006.

Fraude en Tabasco Mexico y Huelga de Hambre de la APPO (maestros de Oaxaca).

Fox: "El Dinero de Venta De Drogas de EEUU Sirve Para Mantener la Corrupción en Mexico"

Fox dice que el dinero proveniente del narcotrafico de la venta de drogas en EEUU, es utilizado para sobornar y mantentener corrupto a la Politica Mexicana. Desde luego, siendo el político, subconscientemente se incluyo ahi El.

Modelo Desnuda Simboliza Libertad de Expresion.

Hidelgard Hugo posó desnuda para ralizar una defensa a la libertad de expresión frente a un grupo de personas que interpretan el desnudo con arte esquemático.

domingo, octubre 15, 2006

Nota Musical. Hey Jude con los Beatles.

Stephen Hawking actuara en una pelicula que tratara sobre sus Teorias del Universo.

London- British physicist Stephen Hawking hopes to soon bring his theories on the origin of the universe to the silver screen, the Sunday Times reported. Hawking is to play himself in the film Beyond the Horizon, in which he explains his hypotheses on the Big Bang theory of creation and on black holes, the Times said.
Hawking has the lead role in the film in which he, as narrator, explains cosmological concepts, the report said.
The scientist is currently working on the script, which revolves around his theories, with physicist and former Star Trek scriptwriter Leonard Mlodinow.
No date for the beginning of filming has been given.
Since 1963, Hawking has suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable disease of the central nervous system that causes progressive muscular atrophy.
Since 1968, the 64-year-old scientist has required a wheelchair and can only talk with the aid of a computer since 1985.

Analisis Politico de Mexico.

Consecuencias a Reformas a la Constitucion Mexicana

Mexico sera un pais fragmentado.

Nota Musical: The Beatles con Revolution.

Bill Maher sacude tu conciencia!

Bill Maher: "Acaso Mark Foley es el unico abusador de menores? No creo. Caundo tenemos hijos que no saben lo minimo de geografia, no pueden verse los dedos de los pies por obesos y creen que los marines son caballeros de la mesa redonda. Foley no es el unico abusador, sino TU tambien, por no educarlos!"